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One in five mobile connections will be on 5G by 20

• Mobile 5G is now commercially available from 46 operators in 24 markets worldwide. • Another 80
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WINNING THE 5G RACE:What challenges dobusinesses f

Four in five technology and IT decision-makers think 5G will have a significant impact on their orga
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History of wireless

From the brick phone to the first text to the app store, wireless has evolved from a niche market to
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SD-WAN ─ for scalable, efficient, and secure netwo

Increasing digitalisation demands ever better network availability, higher bandwidths and maximum da
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Smart Support For SD-WAN Deployments

SD-WAN is quickly becoming the standard in enterprise deployments because of its many benefits. Howe
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Nokia innovations help Sprint to deploy 5G in some

Sprint True Mobile 5G is available in 9 metropolitan areas in the USA. Using innovations developed b
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5G that works where others don't

We’re building a powerful new 5G network that breaks through barriers to let people maintain connect
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