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DATA VIRTUALIZATION: The Modern Data Integration S

We have been living through an unprecedented explosion in the volume, variety, and velocity of inco
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How Self-describing Schemas Create a More Flexible

Does the business understand the data? There are a number of ways in which data meaning can be lost.
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Theme Parks in the Post COVID Era: AI and IoT base

Covid-19 threw the world for a loop in 2020. It was also the year when roller coasters and rides in
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Environmental Data & IoT: The Perfect Union

Given the reality that so many people worldwide are affected by some environmental hazard regularly,
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LPWAN, the Cloud, and the Future of the IoT

The adoption of IoT applications for both business and consumer use continues to rise, with 2021 pro
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AI and IoT: Transforming Business

Welcome to the technology world where modern solutions and technologies such as Artificial Intellige
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How Big Data and IoT Are Connected

Big data as a term and a field, has been around for some time. It relates to the ways in which we st
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