
BIM Software - photorealistic architectural render

Artificial Intelligence Rendering now integrated in an Architectural BIM design solution! #Edificius
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DataScience4All - Democratize Machine Learning and

DataScience4All automates complex data processing and analysis tasks by bringing together multiple d
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A winning recipe for machine learning

Cassie Kozyrkov, the chief decision scientist with Google Cloud, says that marketers who are overwhe
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How AI + RPA Delivers Real Business and Customer V

Using AI and machine learning from DataRobot together with RPA (robotics process automation) from UI
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10 Python Books for Data Science || Machine Learni

In this video you will get to know 10 really useful Python books for Data Science and Machine Learni
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Intel's neuron-based AI chips could drive a car

Intel's neuron-based AI chips could drive a car: Tests suggest they use 100-times less energy on cer
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Blinded by the Light? How AI Avoids High Beam Glar

High beam lights can increase the night-time visibility range of standard headlights significantly;
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